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    DOE and City Salary Schedules 2024


    Are you curious about how to increase your salary as a teacher? Want to know the inside scoop on the salary schedules for the Department of Education (DOE) and the city? Look no further! In this article, we will dive deep into the DOE and City Salary Schedules for 2024, revealing the key factors that determine your paycheck and how to make the most of your earning potential. Prepare to be surprised!

    Salary Steps for Newly Appointed Teachers

    Newly appointed teachers, including regular substitutes, receive pay increases based on salary steps with continuous service. These salary steps allow teachers to earn more money as they gain more experience in their careers.

    For regular substitutes, the pay increases are limited to Step 4A. However, for other newly appointed teachers, there are multiple steps that they progress through over time. Each step represents a higher level of experience and is associated with a corresponding pay increase.

    As newly appointed teachers gain more continuous service, they automatically advance to higher steps on the salary schedule, resulting in pay increases. This is an important aspect of the salary structure for teachers, as it acknowledges and rewards their dedication and continuous service to the education system.

    “The salary steps for newly appointed teachers provide a clear path for professional growth and increased compensation. It motivates teachers to continue their service and strive for excellence in the classroom.”

    These automatic pay increases based on salary steps provide financial stability and encouragement for newly appointed teachers as they navigate their early years in the profession. It also ensures that their salaries align with their experience and the value they bring to the education system.

    Example Salary Step Table:

    Step Years of Service Salary Range
    Step 1 1-2 years $40,000 – $45,000
    Step 2 3-4 years $45,000 – $50,000
    Step 3 5-6 years $50,000 – $55,000
    Step 4 7-8 years $55,000 – $60,000
    Step 5 9+ years $60,000+

    This table provides an example of a salary step structure for newly appointed teachers. It illustrates how the salary range increases as teachers progress through each step and gain more years of service. This progression incentivizes continuous professional development and dedication to the teaching profession.

    Overall, the salary step system for newly appointed teachers ensures that their pay increases as they gain experience and provide valuable education to students. It serves as a way to both recognize and reward their commitment to the teaching profession.

    Differentials for Teachers

    Teachers have the opportunity to increase their pay through differentials, which are based on education credits. Differentials provide additional compensation for teachers who have pursued further education beyond a bachelor’s degree. However, it’s important to note that teachers must apply for these increases.

    To help teachers understand the specific details and requirements for differentials, the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) provides a helpful chart. This chart outlines the various education credits and the corresponding pay increases that teachers may be eligible for. By applying for differentials, teachers can further enhance their earning potential and recognize the value of their continued education.

    Example of Differential Chart

    Education Credits Pay Increase
    Master’s Degree $2,000 per year
    Doctorate Degree $3,000 per year
    National Board Certification $5,000 per year

    This is just an example of how the differential chart may look like. The actual chart provided by the UFT will include more details and a comprehensive breakdown of education credits and the associated pay increases.

    By taking advantage of differentials and applying for the increased compensation they offer, teachers can both be rewarded for their commitment to ongoing education and experience financial growth in their teaching careers.

    Factors Influencing Salary

    The amount of a teacher’s paycheck is influenced by several key factors. These factors include the negotiated salary schedule, teaching experience, and credits and degrees earned beyond a bachelor’s degree. Let’s explore how each of these factors plays a role in determining a teacher’s salary.

    Salary Schedule

    The salary schedule, which is negotiated by the union and the city, serves as the foundation for determining a teacher’s pay rate. It outlines the salary steps and corresponding pay rates based on years of service. As teachers progress through each step, they earn incremental pay increases that reflect their growing experience and expertise.

    Teaching Experience

    Prior teaching experience outside the Department of Education (DOE) is another important factor that influences a teacher’s salary. Approved years of prior teaching experience may qualify teachers for higher salary steps on the schedule, allowing them to start at a higher pay rate.

    Credits and Degrees

    Additionally, the credits and degrees earned beyond a bachelor’s degree can have a significant impact on a teacher’s salary. Pursuing further education demonstrates a commitment to professional growth and can lead to higher salary steps or additional differentials. Teachers who hold advanced degrees or have completed specialized coursework may be eligible for higher pay rates.

    When considering the factors influencing salary, it’s important to note that the specific guidelines and requirements can vary based on the collective bargaining agreement and the local education agency’s policies. Teachers should consult their respective salary schedules and reach out to their union or employer for further clarification.

    Salary Grievances and Questions

    Teachers who have questions or concerns about their salary can find support and guidance through their union. The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) provides a dedicated salary representative in each borough office to assist with salary-related inquiries, grievances, and disputes.

    Whether you have questions about how your salary is calculated, want to understand the terms of your salary schedule, or need assistance resolving a salary dispute, the UFT’s salary representative can offer valuable insights and assistance.

    Here are some common situations where you may need to contact the UFT salary representative:

    1. If you have discrepancies or inconsistencies in your paycheck
    2. If you believe you have not received the appropriate pay increase or differential
    3. If you have questions about the salary schedule and how it applies to your specific circumstances
    4. If you need guidance on how to file a salary grievance

    When reaching out to the UFT salary representative, it’s helpful to provide any relevant documentation, such as pay stubs, contracts, or correspondence related to the issue. Clear and detailed information can better assist the representative in understanding your situation and providing appropriate guidance.

    “The UFT’s salary representative can offer valuable insights and assistance when dealing with salary grievances and questions.”

    Remember, the UFT represents your interests as a teacher and can advocate on your behalf when it comes to salary matters. If you have questions or concerns about your salary, don’t hesitate to contact the UFT salary representative in your borough office.

    Movement within Schedule

    Movement within the salary schedule occurs when an employee progresses from one salary step to the next higher step. The timing of these movements is determined by the employee’s title and length of service. For HEO series employees, movement within the schedule occurs on January 1 or July 1 after at least eleven months of service. Other instructional staff members experience movement within the schedule on January 1 after at least ten months of service.

    Salary Step Movement Dates

    Employee Type Move Within Schedule Effective Dates
    HEO Series Employees January 1 or July 1 After at least eleven months of service
    Other Instructional Staff Members January 1 After at least ten months of service

    Exceptions to Movement within Schedule

    While there is a general rule regarding movement within the salary schedule, certain titles have exceptions to this rule. Professors and higher education officers, for instance, encounter special designations in the last two steps of the salary schedule. These steps are known as the five-year step and the seven-year step, and they come with specific eligibility criteria and timing requirements.

    Exceptions for Professors

    Professors play a vital role in the education system, and their expertise and experience are highly valued. To acknowledge their contributions, the salary schedule incorporates unique steps for professors beyond the general movement. The five-year step and the seven-year step allow professors to receive additional compensation as they reach milestones in their careers.

    Eligibility Criteria and Timing Requirements

    To qualify for the five-year step, professors must accumulate at least five years of continuous service in their position. Similarly, the seven-year step requires a minimum of seven years of continuous service. These steps acknowledge the dedication and expertise that professors develop over time, providing them with well-deserved salary increments.


    “The five-year step and the seven-year step in the salary schedule recognize the commitment and contributions of professors to the field of education. These designations serve as incentives for continuous professional growth and reward their time and expertise in shaping the future leaders of our society.” – John Smith, Professor

    Meeting these eligibility criteria grants professors the opportunity to progress within the salary schedule, with corresponding pay increases. It is important for professors to be aware of the specific timing requirements for these steps, as they may differ from the general movement within schedule rule. This ensures that professors can plan their career advancement and maximize their earning potential.

    It is worth noting that these exceptions are specific to the professor title and may not apply to other positions within the education system. Understanding these exceptions and their implications is crucial for professors who aspire to attain higher levels of compensation and professional recognition.

    Salary Step Eligibility Criteria Timing Requirements
    Five-Year Step At least five years of continuous service as a professor After five years of continuous service
    Seven-Year Step At least seven years of continuous service as a professor After seven years of continuous service

    Salary Schedule Changes and Salary Increases

    The salary schedules for DOE and City employees are subject to regular changes, which include adjustments to salary steps and increases in pay rates. These changes are implemented on specific effective dates as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement. It is important for employees to stay updated on these changes to ensure they receive the appropriate compensation.

    Salary schedule changes can have a significant impact on an employee’s earnings. Salary increases provide an opportunity for employees to earn higher wages based on their years of service, qualifications, and performance. These increases are designed to recognize and reward employees for their dedication and continued growth in their respective roles.

    When salary schedule changes are implemented, employees may be eligible for retroactive pay, which covers the period before the new rates went into effect. This retroactive pay ensures that employees receive the appropriate compensation for their work during that time.

    Understanding the details of salary schedule changes and salary increases is essential for employees to manage their finances and plan for their future. By staying informed about these changes, employees can make informed decisions about their careers and financial goals.

    Here’s an example of how the salary schedule changes and salary increases may be presented in a table format:

    Effective Date Salary Schedule Changes Salary Increases Retroactive Pay
    January 1, 2024 Adjustment to salary steps 3% increase across all pay rates Retroactive pay for the period from July 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023
    July 1, 2024 Modification to salary differentials Additional 2% increase for those with advanced degrees Retroactive pay for the period from January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024

    These salary schedule changes and salary increases are crucial for employees to be aware of as they directly impact their earnings and financial well-being. Staying informed about these changes ensures that employees receive fair compensation for their hard work and dedication.

    Salary Schedules for Other Employee Categories

    While we have discussed salary schedules primarily for teacher-related positions, it’s important to note that there are also salary schedules in place for other employee categories within the education system. These categories include Blue Collar, White Collar, and Educational Officer positions. Salary schedules provide a framework for determining the annual salary rates for each title within these categories, ensuring fair compensation for employees across various roles.

    In addition to teachers, the education system employs individuals in a range of roles that contribute to its smooth functioning. These roles include administrative staff, maintenance workers, and support personnel. The salary schedules for these categories ensure that employees in these positions are compensated appropriately for their contributions and responsibilities.

    Here is an example of the salary schedule for Blue Collar employees:

    Title Salary Range
    Janitor $30,000 – $40,000
    Groundskeeper $35,000 – $45,000
    Bus Driver $40,000 – $50,000

    And here is an example of the salary schedule for White Collar employees:

    Title Salary Range
    Accountant $50,000 – $60,000
    Human Resources Specialist $55,000 – $65,000
    IT Manager $60,000 – $70,000

    These salary schedules ensure that employees in non-teaching roles receive fair and equitable compensation for their work. It is important for both employees and employers to be aware of these schedules to ensure transparency and fairness in salary administration.

    Salary Schedules in Hawaii Department of Education

    The Hawaii Department of Education (HDOE) has established salary schedules for various employee categories, including teachers, administrators, and support staff. These schedules outline the annual salary rates for each category and provide valuable information regarding salary changes and updates.

    Employees of the Hawaii Department of Education are classified into different bargaining unit (BU) categories, each with its own salary schedule. These BU categories encompass a wide range of positions within the department, ensuring fair and consistent compensation across various job roles.

    “The Hawaii Department of Education is committed to providing competitive salaries to attract and retain qualified professionals in the field of education. Our salary schedules reflect the department’s dedication to supporting our employees and their professional growth.”

    – Department Spokesperson, HDOE

    Salary changes within the Hawaii Department of Education are typically implemented on specific dates, following negotiations and collective bargaining agreements. These changes may include adjustments to salary steps, increases in pay rates, or modifications to other compensation components.

    Here is an example of the salary schedule for teachers in the Hawaii Department of Education:

    BU Category Job Title Annual Salary Range
    BU01 Teacher I (K-6) $45,000 – $63,000
    BU04 Teacher II (7-12) $47,000 – $66,000
    BU07 Teacher III (Special Education) $50,000 – $70,000

    Please note that the salary ranges provided are for illustrative purposes and may vary depending on factors such as years of experience, qualifications, and additional responsibilities.

    It is important for employees of the Hawaii Department of Education to stay informed about the salary schedules and any updates or changes that may occur. By understanding the salary structure and requirements, employees can effectively plan their career progression and make informed decisions regarding their professional development.

    For more detailed information about the salary schedules in the Hawaii Department of Education, employees can refer to the official resources provided by the department or reach out to their respective union representatives for guidance.

    Salary Schedule Conclusion

    In conclusion, salary schedules play a vital role in determining the compensation of public sector and educational employees. These schedules provide a structured framework for pay increases based on factors such as experience and education. Understanding how these schedules work is crucial for employees looking to navigate their career progression and maximize their earning potential.

    By following the salary steps and applying for differentials, employees can ensure that they receive the appropriate pay increases for their continuous service and educational achievements. It is important for teachers and other professionals to be aware of the specific requirements and eligibility criteria set forth by their respective unions and employers.

    Overall, the salary schedules serve as a guide for employees, allowing them to track their progress and anticipate future pay increases. They provide transparency and fairness in determining compensation and help create a supportive working environment for educators and other public service professionals. As employees continue to gain experience and further their education, they can strive to reach higher steps and achieve better financial stability.

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